Apple Macbook Pro, Marc by Marc Jacobs case (similar), Apple headphones, Russell+Hazel mini binder
With finals approaching, it's been difficult to take some time out for myself. I was lucky to have a quiet and lazy morning spent in bed, and I think moments like these are amazing. It sounds so simple, being alone in your room surrounded by silence-- but I think that's where the beauty in it lies. The usual rundown for finals week is to work straight and the next minute you find yourself a little stir crazy. The solution? Relaxation. Here's a list of a few things that help me start off the day:
1. Treat yo' self
I try to wake up slowly and let my body adjust, if I want to lie in bed for a bit while on my phone I let myself. The more I hold off of looking at it (tumblr is addicting!), the more it's going to distract me later on when I'm working. Before starting breakfast I like to drink water to rehydrate and kick-start my metabolism; it's refreshing and it helps wake you up, especially if it's cold!
Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day it's important to eat, don't skip it! I like making whatever I've been craving or what I'm in the mood for. On days like these, I put in extra effort to make breakfast. And I think at this time you should really "treat yo' self." Make some waffles, pancakes, french toast-- something that makes you feel good. When you feel good and start off the day right, it sets the motion for the rest of your day. Enjoy your breakfast and don't rush it.
2. Lie in...for a bit
It may sound counterintuitive, but I think it helps. After breakfast, if you want to watch/do something-- a show, the paper, a book... let yourself do it. Take some time and enjoy your tea or coffee, maybe reflect on what's the day's itinerary.
3. Set the environment
If where you plan on working/studying is not already set, then now is the time to do it. I like to open the blinds in my room to let in natural light. Turn-off the tv, make sure it's quiet and set up what you need. At this time I like to get another cup of coffee or tea for when i'm studying. Get yourself comfortable; if you work best in fuzzy socks then wear them! It's whatever works for you.
Set up your laptop, notebooks, pens or whatever you'll need to complete your list. Speaking of which...
4. Make a to-do list
This can be done at any time during the beginning of your day! I like to make the list either the night before or after setting up my books. To keep yourself on track write exactly what it due and what you would like to do. Something as simple as writing 'workout' or 'fix bag' helps me. They are simple actions that we often forget, and when I find my work piling up I tend to forget some things. It's one less thing on your plate. It's also very rewarding crossing off things on your list, especially seeing the amount you've done. So no more procrastinating while thinking what you should be doing, or want to be doing! (i.e. I need to sweep, I really want a vacation, etc).
5. Jam it out
I like to have music in the background when working or studying. Depending on what I'm working on there won't be any music at all. Have a work or study playlist ready, studies have shown that certain genres help you focus and concentrate. I find that I'm more focused when listening to classical music or my favorite scores.
6. Break time
Be sure to take breaks and stretch. When working we tend to stay in the same position for an extended period of time. It's good as a quick breather for your brain and If your stomach starts growling it's also perfect for a food break. If you want to quickly look at something online, a short show or youtube video let yourself. Give yourself a good break before getting back into the grind.
These are just a few things that work for me; they might not work for every one. But personalize and tweak it to your needs/wants. I hope this helps. Whether it be finals or work-related, good luck to you guys!
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