Hi! My name is Yzabelle and I'm a passionate digital creator. Growing up in New York, I was constantly exposed to different cultures and cuisines. As a child, I had the opportunity to dive head first into experiencing these different cultures whilst traveling with my grandmother; It was then when I experienced first hand what it means to be a traveler. It's not only visiting the location, but enveloping yourself in everything that that place has to offer. It was through these travels that sparked my curiosity in exploring different cuisines and cultures. I always seek out to try something new, different, and unfamiliar.
I began A Traveler's Notebook as a place for me to share my experiences with those who love to explore as much as I do. While I do travel, I believe that we can explore the globe without ever leaving our city–whether that be through an unfamiliar dish, an unknown beauty product/ritual, or exploring the other side of town–to travel is to explore, to explore is to experience, and to experience is to live. My aim is share my editorial, culinary, and artistic journey with others in hopes of inspiring and cultivating the traveler in all of us.
Feel free to contact me for any inquiries/collaborations at atravelersnotebook@gmail.com or my social media channels.
Welcome to my internet home and I hope you enjoy your stay.
x Yzabelle